Granite State Dog Recovery
Granite State Dog Recovery
Never Give Up!
"Reuniting Families with their Lost Dogs & Sheltering the Abandoned"
Have you lost your dog? Do you need assistance in locating your missing pet? Are you looking to adopt, or seeking placement for a dog you can no longer care for?
Contact Granite State Dog Recovery (GSDR) in Hooksett, New Hampshire.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we collaborate with police departments, animal control officers, shelters, veterinary offices, and rescue groups throughout New Hampshire to reunite families with their lost dogs and ensure the safety of stray dogs.
In October 2020, Granite State Dog Recovery opened a fully licensed animal shelter in Hooksett, NH, to provide refuge for abandoned dogs. We are immensely proud of this achievement.
Our motto is, "Never Give Up!" We have never and will never turn down a request for assistance. Granite State Dog Recovery offers phone consultations on our Quick Action Plan, lends equipment to those in need, physically assists families in locating their lost dogs, and creates lost/found dog posters for social media dissemination.
In addition to facilitating the recovery of lost and stray dogs, Granite State Dog Recovery educates the public on lost dog prevention. It is vital to understand how to keep dogs safe, whether they are new to a family or long-time companions. Dogs can go missing at any age and can be rescued regardless of how long they have been lost.
Our passion and dedication to animal welfare drive us in every recovery and with every dog that enters our shelter. However, we cannot accomplish this without your support. Please assist us by making a tax-deductible donation via our mailing address, PayPal, or Venmo @granitestatedogrecovery.
Granite State Dog Recovery is currently accepting volunteer applications. Please submit an application at the following link: Volunteer Application.

Important Notice
Please note that Granite State Dog Recovery is located at 7 Dartmouth Street in Hookset NH, and have limited office hours at time time. If you or someone you know is solicited by a paid organization claiming to be referred by GSDR, please contact us immediately.

Service Areas
Proudly Serving Families
in The State of New Hampshire for over 15 years.
Contact Information
Granite State Dog Recovery
7 Dartmouth Street
Hooksett, New Hampshire 03106-1703
Phone: 1-855-639-LOST